
Dear Photographers, authors, hosting galerists and Der Greif – readers,

with this e-mail we’d like to send you some impressions from our release tour and say goodbye to a successful 2013 in an appropriate way. Time flew like an arrow. Within just a few days the five of us traveled from Augsburg to Berlin, Vienna and Munich. We got home safe, even our ski box was still on our roof. Every city, every gallery with its particular visitors was different. But, they had one thing in common: We had an amazing time in all of them. A special thank you goes to all of you who submitted works, gave us sopport and visited our releases – some of you even had a very long way to come…

After our tour we didn’t have much time to rest – there was lots to be done: In early December we moved into our new and bigger studio. If you’d like to visit us or send us a letter, here is our new address:

Der Greif
Bismarckstraße 3
86159 Augsburg

In addition some days ago we had our long-awaited website relaunch. (At first we planned to upload it together with the release of issue 7 but very soon we realized that this would have exceed our capacities.) Please feedback our new page, we hope you’ll like it!

Thank you again for your submissions and support. Without that Der Greif wouldn’t have evolved from a small and regional project to a worldwide and broadly accepted publication platform.
We’re very excited and looking forward to 2014! Have fun with issue 7 and our new page.
Merry X-mas and a happy new year! We’ll take some time off until January 6th and be back then.

All the best,

Simon, Leon, Matti, Claudio and Andreas

P.S.: We have never sold so many magazines at this time after the print – thanks to your great submissions and your great support! We’re super happy. Thank you again.