
Yoshi Kametani


Amanda Boe

Artist Feature

Every week an artist is featured whose single image was published by Der Greif. The Feature shows the image in the original context of the series.

Sarah Straßmann - The Void – Nothing but Space

Dec 03, 2014

In her large-format tableaux which bear the working title "The Void_Nothing but Space", Sarah Straßmann investigates the visual expression of emptiness. The material nature of physical space retreats completely into the background. Instead, space is designated mainly by qualities of lightning and mood which invoke personal recollections of the photographer. In this way, a space for thought is created which is vivid as an image and points the way beyond the visible and into the realms of the imagination. Excerpts from the text by Mareike Dietrich (architect and author/ Wiesbaden), 2009, Catalog gute aussichten 08/09

Artist Blog

The blog of Der Greif is written entirely by the artists who have been invited to doing an Artist-Feature. Every week, we have a different author.

Expanded Pictures

Dec 10, 2014 - Sarah Straßmann

For my last post I would like to share my PhD project, which is a theoretical and practical artistic research project, that I started in 2011 and continue to develop. By that way: With thanks again to Der Greif for their ongoing support and for this nice blogging opportunity ! The work »Expanded Pictures« represents the results of an artistic-scientific experiment and therefore analyses in regard to the theoretical as well as the artistic discourse the contemporary significance of photographic pictures in the context of mobile photography, Internet and online social networks. Is there a new void within contemporary photography - the photographic image itself? Are there possibly new differing associations, which can be spotted on the stereotypy of those umpteen digital pictures? (more…)

Arthur de Ganay | Private photography collection Berlin

- Sarah Straßmann

Today I would like to go for a (blogging)trip to Berlin Kreuzberg and recommend a very unique place - the photography collection Arthur de Ganay Berlin. Since 2006 the private collection is located next to the river Spree on the third floor of a former jam-factory. In that loft space the French architect Arthur de Ganay presents some of the most important representatives of German fine art photography from the 1990s to the present day, as well as other contemporary works. Every first Saturday in the month, the collector himself gives a personal guided tour through the gallery. One of the main aims of the collection is to contribute to the broader acceptance of photographic art. The carefully assembled selection of works endeavours to demonstrate the equal standing of the photographic art with painting in the field of the visual arts. »But as the human being withdraws from the photographic image, exhibition value shows its superiority over cult value for the first time.«(Walter Benjamin) The Arthur de Ganay Collection, which is open to the public, takes up this aspect of photography, directing its focus on landscape and architecture photography so as not to distract the observer through what Benjamin called the »cult of remembrance«. Photography Collection Arthur de Ganay Köpenicker Straße 10a, 10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg

Studio Visit

Dec 08, 2014 - Sarah Straßmann

Welcome to my studio space! Today I would like to give you a small view behind the scene of my Berlin-Reinickendorf based studio. Reinickendorf is a northern part of Berlin, located next to Wedding. You can reach »Berlin Mitte« (the main city centre) in round about 15 min. by subway – that’s quite comfortable. (more…)


Dec 07, 2014 - Sarah Straßmann

For my third post I’d like to share my recent project »Opposite«, which is a series that I still continue to develop. In this work »Opposite«, I explore the boundary line between light and darkness, between presence and absence or between object and space. The photographs taken by the strict and conceptual approach with a frontal, central perspective appear kind of dislocated while simultaneously the visibility of complete darkness is carried to its extremes. The narrow line between presence and absence, which is not only determined with all its blur, but at the same time also bears highly unsettling potential. The localization of the individual’s own standpoint constitutes the coordinate system of spiritual and physical orientation. If its fragility, its indetermination zone becomes obvious, the result is fundamental uncertainty.

Aff Galerie

Dec 05, 2014 - Sarah Straßmann

Today I would like to take you with me to Berlin Friedrichshain and to introduce you the artist run space »aff Gallery«. Since February 2014 I’m a member of the organising team. The aff gallery sees itself as a platform for discussion and exhibition space for young and emerging contemporary photography. Since 2014, after several structural changes, it is run by a collective of nine members with diverse photographic backgrounds, as well as advisory curators. The aim is to exhibit emerging German and international artists to network and to support their projects. The photographs shown are observing, reporting and questioning. Emphases are people and their socio-cultural environment, portrait, reportage and documentary photography as well as conceptual work. (more…)

News from the Graphothek Berlin

Dec 04, 2014 - Sarah Straßmann

Hello! This is my guest blogging week for »Der Greif«. Thank you guys for this nice opportunity! As a Berlin based photographer, I would like to take you with me on a 6 day blogging-trip through my personal art metropolis. The so-called »Art Autumn (Kunstherbst)« with various exhibitions, events, talks, etc. is just lying behind me and I want to give you a little glimpse into what it could mean (what it means to me), being an artist and photographer somewhere out there in Berlin. (more…)