Artist Blog

Every week an artist whose single image was published by Der Greif is given a platform in which to blog about contemporary photography.

Kkory Trolio

Jan 22, 2016 - Daniel Terna

»In the work I'm showing here, my hand plays a role, collaging or manipulating the paper negatives before printing. In the darkroom, love is a guiding force. Touch being the clearest way to see in the dark. This in the spirit of Harry Callahan, who was an endless experimenter in the darkroom. Lately, I've been very focused on composing poems about Callahan and his wife Eleanor, but I've made a few images as well. At the time I was making these photographs, I felt oddly close to him, seeing Eleanor wet in the fixer tray. I relate to Callahan's goals as a photographer. Not the use of photography to reveal something about its subject, but rather to possess it. Those Eleanor photographs weren't for her. They were for him, selfishly. There is a lot of rephotographing going on with the other work. The Sontag image and the man on his back are both from Hujar. I also have some from Atget. Images that I love and want to possess. Worlds and windows that I want to make my own, that I want to see out of for myself. I also work with my own images, or from my mother and grandmother’s archives. I like confusing personal and historic photographs, rolling it all together...something that defies literature and is more like poetry.« Kkory (KAY-KOR-ee) Trolio (b. 1986, Youngstown, OH) lives and works in Brooklyn and Warwick, NY. He is a graduate of Bennington College and the International Center of Photography-Bard College MFA in Advanced Photographic Studies. His work has recently been included in group exhibitions at HartHaus, as part of Bushwick Open Studios (Brooklyn, NY), Inaugural at 321 Gallery (Brooklyn, NY), and Love is a Babe, a three-person show with Timothy Hull and TM Davy.