
Diego Ballestrasse


Diego Ballestrasse (Buenos Aires, 1974) lives and works in Barcelona. Trained in architecture at the University of Buenos Aires, he studied photography at the EASD Serra i Abella and the Centro de Fotografía Documental in Barcelona. In parallel he has attended workshops with Stephen Shore, Martin Parr, Joan Fontcuberta and Jason Fulford. In his documentary projects, he addresses the scenographic possibilities of the architectural space: Set (2009), Montseny (2011) and NYC (2011), and through portraits investigates issues such as artificiality, decontextualization and pose: Models (2010). Currently investigates through photography and video, about multiples temporalities of the image in relation to the mechanism of the photographic event: Juan (2015) and The fourth wall (2015-ongoing). Twice finalist at Descubrimientos PhotoEspaña, in 2016 with the series The fourth wall and in 2009 with the series Set. He won the prize “Otra manera de contar” at Pa-ta-ta Festival and was finalist at SCAN Full Contact, both in 2016 with the series The fourth wall. In 2014 he received a grant from the Centro de Fotografía Documental in Barcelona. His work has been published in both, online and paper magazines, such as Camera Austria and Der Greif. Diego has also shown his work at Krakow Photomonth Festival 2016, and at different art venues in Madrid, Barcelona, and Buenos Aires.

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