Artist Blog

Every week an artist whose single image was published by Der Greif is given a platform in which to blog about contemporary photography.

Arthur de Ganay | Private photography collection Berlin

Dec 10, 2014 - Sarah Straßmann

Today I would like to go for a (blogging)trip to Berlin Kreuzberg and recommend a very unique place - the photography collection Arthur de Ganay Berlin. Since 2006 the private collection is located next to the river Spree on the third floor of a former jam-factory. In that loft space the French architect Arthur de Ganay presents some of the most important representatives of German fine art photography from the 1990s to the present day, as well as other contemporary works. Every first Saturday in the month, the collector himself gives a personal guided tour through the gallery. One of the main aims of the collection is to contribute to the broader acceptance of photographic art. The carefully assembled selection of works endeavours to demonstrate the equal standing of the photographic art with painting in the field of the visual arts. »But as the human being withdraws from the photographic image, exhibition value shows its superiority over cult value for the first time.«(Walter Benjamin) The Arthur de Ganay Collection, which is open to the public, takes up this aspect of photography, directing its focus on landscape and architecture photography so as not to distract the observer through what Benjamin called the »cult of remembrance«. Photography Collection Arthur de Ganay Köpenicker Straße 10a, 10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg