Artist Blog

Every week an artist whose single image was published by Der Greif is given a platform in which to blog about contemporary photography.

Constantin Schlachter – Paraboles

Feb 05, 2016 - Jiehao Su

"At the beginning of Christianity, Gyrovagi were wandering monks without fixed residence or leadership. Free from all dogmas, they were constrained by a strong link to nature and primitive matter. From wanderings and retreats in the Nature - those lonely periods which transform experiences and lead to self-interrogations - Constantin Schlachter developped an ascetic and instinctive photography, following the way of thinking of the Gyrovagi. With the pictures he realised, he creates a sensorial fction which resonate into the collective consciousness.

Between 2011 and 2015 he photographed his feelings by means of the landscape and its details. Using different media (cameras and microscope) and through analog and digital manipulations, he fxes the original emotion he experienced. Each medium and process corresponding to one specifc state of mind. Paraboles (Parables in english) is an inner-quest in mental landscapes, where the notions of micro-macro,organic-mineral are confused, thus forming a loop where subjects are constantly reinvented and transformed. Like in an alchemic process, those treatments are in order to re-unify the opposites and permits to the viewer to reach their own spiritual center.

The barrier of physical existence is damaged by the abnormal colours, subjects and textures. In this obscure and natural noise, primeval sensations of the human being, maternal caves and mystical creatures echo all around. With the confrontation of those symbolic images, a backcountry of the mind is created, leaving us to roam a mental realm dominated by Nature."

Constantin Schlachter (b. 1992, France) is an artist based in Paris who works mainly with photography. He exhibited an excerpt of his project Paraboles at the collective exhibition Fetart School Factory and with the FOAM Talent 2015. His work has been featured in publications such as Blow Photo Magazine, Foam Magazine and Phases Magazine.

Constantin Schlachter