Artist Blog

Every week an artist whose single image was published by Der Greif is given a platform in which to blog about contemporary photography.

Fail Better

Oct 19, 2015 - Juliane Eirich

Short after I started photography school in Munich I went on a trip to Cuba. At that time we just had learned how to develop and enlarge Black and White pictures. Thus I only took B/W films with me. On site I did not think about it anymore, since through the viewfinder, everything is still in color, no matter what kind of film is in the camera. When I came back from Cuba, everybody said: "Wow, I am so curious to see the photos you took! They must be so colorful!" When the first person said it, I confidently and proudly answered: "No, I only took Black and White pictures!" But when more and more people said the same thing, I felt horrible and was really regretting that I did not even think about using color film. Especially since I did not have it in mind when I was photographing. When I finally looked at my B/W pictures, I was certainly quite disappointed and never really looked at them again. Last year, I reorganized my archive and saw them again after 14 years. I had to smile when I saw this series of a colorful butterfly on green grass all in B/W.