Artist Blog
Every week an artist whose single image was published by Der Greif is given a platform in which to blog about contemporary photography.
Her Story
Sep 02, 2016 - Birthe Piontek
While visually very different and tapping into my interest in collage and installation, this project is another approach to the topic of my mother's and grandmother's loss of memory due to Dementia and Alzheimer's disease. I have so many thoughts around the subject matter of memory and memory loss: obviously there is the personal connection and emotional involvement, the question and fear of what it means for me to potentially carry this disease, the thoughts around lineage and heritage, not only within family, but also on a bigger scale: how we as a humans interact and are connected by a collective memory, how our identities are shaped by our memories, to a point where I almost want to say: we ARE our memories and yet the fascinating thought about how, the more we remember something and look at it with our mind’s eye, the more we alter and change a memory, to a point where we might remember something in a way that has nothing to do with the “original”. The nature of memory… a fascinating and probably lifelong obsession of mine. The project also has a video component: [vimeo video_id="154677135" width="1000" height="563“]