Artist Blog

Every week an artist whose single image was published by Der Greif is given a platform in which to blog about contemporary photography.

What to read during these troubled days

Mar 16, 2020 - Guillaume Tomasi

If you have to stay at home for the next few days, it is best to be well accompanied.

Here is a small selection of photo books released this year (or very soon) that are not to be missed.

Enjoy !


– References –

JM Ramírez-Suassi – Fordlândia 9, Self Published (BUY HERE)

Gus Powell – Family Car Trouble, TBW Books (BUY HERE)

Ryan Debolski – LIKE, Gnomic Book (BUY HERE)

Maude Arsenault – Entangled, Deadbeat Club (BUY HERE)

Luis Alberto Rodriguez – People of the Mud, Loose Joints (BUY HERE)