Bucky Miller
Artist Feature
Every week an artist is featured whose single image was published by Der Greif. The Feature shows the image in the original context of the series.
Guillaume Tomasi - Chrysalises
Mar 11, 2020
“Where did the butterflies go? “. This ordinary sentence was the starting point of this work. Pronounced distinctly by my two-year-old son during his restless sleep because of a heavy night fever, these few words triggered on me a long reflection on how we protect our children from the world. This reassuring cocoon, but unfortunately precarious, is inevitably meant to be broken by the hazards of life. Following these events of misfortune, our perception of the world is altered and we are forced to grow up, to get ourselves back together or to look at things through a new perspective.
Chrysalises presents anonymous stories about intimate events that changed people’s worldview. These events, transcribed as anecdotes, coexist with visual interpretations of suspended moments where the mundane seems to have shifted in a slightly different direction.
Artist Blog
The blog of Der Greif is written entirely by the artists who have been invited to doing an Artist-Feature. Every week, we have a different author.
Published in:
»Guest-Room Alessia Glaviano«
Together, it’s gonna be great
Mar 18, 2020 - Guillaume Tomasi
For my last post, I wanted to tell you about an ongoing project that is important to me and that I hope will be useful to you at any time.
Onlyphotobooks is a photobook search engine. This project was born from my desire to allow everyone to be able to find any photobook (published or self-published) and to be able to access the official link to get it. There are so many photo books released every year that it’s hard to know where to look. I hope I can centralize all the information with this website so that you can be redirected to the right place to buy what you’re looking for.
To be clear, this tool will always be free of charge, with no advertising and each photo will be credited. If your photobook is not included, don’t worry. Going through all the books takes time and new entries will be added every day. If you see an inaccurate data, don’t hesitate to contact me.
If you want to help me, you can use this form (Add Your Photobook) to suggest me a photobook to add if it is not listed.
Enjoy it and long live to photobooks!
Chrysalises, the photobook
Mar 17, 2020 - Guillaume Tomasi
I take this opportunity to present to you the photo book of my project Chrysalises.
After many technical difficulties, it will finally be available in April 2020 (depending of the current situation).
More info below:
“Where did the butterflies go? “. This ordinary sentence was the starting point of this work. Pronounced distinctly by my two-year-old son during his restless sleep because of a heavy night fever, these few words triggered on me a long reflection on how we protect our children from the world. This reassuring cocoon, but unfortunately precarious, is inevitably meant to be broken by the hazards of life. Following these events of misfortune, our perception of the world is altered and we are forced to grow up, to get ourselves back together or to look at things through a new perspective.
Chrysalises presents anonymous stories about intimate events that changed people’s worldview. These events, transcribed as anecdotes, coexist with visual interpretations of suspended moments where the mundane seems to have shifted in a slightly different direction.
88 pages + 16 pages
46 color photographs + 13 anonymous stories
8 x 10 inches (24 x30 cm) + 4×6 inches (10 x 15 cm) booklet
Interior: Roland Enviro Opaque Offset True White 200M
Hardcover with silver foil stamping
Edition of 250 copies
Year 2020
ISBN 978-2-9818648-0-2
Design by Simon Roy
What to read during these troubled days
Mar 16, 2020 - Guillaume Tomasi
If you have to stay at home for the next few days, it is best to be well accompanied.
Here is a small selection of photo books released this year (or very soon) that are not to be missed.
Enjoy !
– References –
JM Ramírez-Suassi – Fordlândia 9, Self Published (BUY HERE)
Gus Powell – Family Car Trouble, TBW Books (BUY HERE)
Ryan Debolski – LIKE, Gnomic Book (BUY HERE)
Maude Arsenault – Entangled, Deadbeat Club (BUY HERE)
Luis Alberto Rodriguez – People of the Mud, Loose Joints (BUY HERE)
Every project has its beginning
Mar 14, 2020 - Guillaume Tomasi
When I start a project, I always start with a title. The idea of a title allows me to visualize the mood I’m going to explore, the subjects I’m going to research and the metaphors I’m going to develop. Sometimes an image says it all. For me it symbolizes the essence of the project and the other pictures revolve around it.
Here are two photos that are important to me. The first one gave me the aesthetic and symbolic direction I followed for my project “Chrysalises“. The second one helped me to start a reflection on the concept of “A bloom in the eye of the storm” and to focus this work on the family point of view.
And what about you? How does a project start for you?
Fiiiirst: Visual discussions between photographers
Mar 13, 2020 - Guillaume Tomasi
For today’s post, let’s talk about my side project Fiiiirst !
Fiiiirst was launched in 2016 and it’s an online gallery showcasing anonymous discussions between photographers. Every month, two photographers are invited to interact through an image-based discussion. To maintain this dialog without a preformed vision, they don’t know with whom they are interacting. The identities of each author are kept secret until the end of their respective discussion. Each picture produced is used as an inspiration to create the next one.
Here are some excerpts of various discussions during the 4th edition (2019-2020). The 5th edition will start in September 2020!
A Bloom in the eye of the storm
Mar 12, 2020 - Guillaume Tomasi
Hi !
I begin my first post this week with a WIP of my new project “A Bloom in the Eye of the Storm“.
This project explores the idea of raising children in an uncertain world. We are constantly reminded in the media and social networks about the ecological issues that threaten our existence. My children’s generation is the first to be born with the feeling that their future may already be lost. How can they build an identity in a dying model? How can they fulfill themselves with the weight of a Damocles sword over their heads?