
Louis De Belle


Ina Lounguine

Artist Feature

Every week an artist is featured whose single image was published by Der Greif. The Feature shows the image in the original context of the series.

Joanne Leah - Acid Mass

Apr 19, 2017

I remember the first time I tried LSD. The person next to me looked as if she was partitioned into individual molecule clusters. I was close enough to read her thoughts. Sometimes, my own body would melt away, leaving only my mind.

By freeing ourselves from the constraints of physicality, we vividly bend and lurch into new structures. I continually experiment with engaging in methods of bodily detachment. The images themselves become proof of this vulnerable act, between skin and viscera, exhibitionist and voyeur, public and private. I am interested in relationships of contradiction and the beautiful monotony of inhabiting our bodies while simultaneously trying to escape them.

Artist Blog

The blog of Der Greif is written entirely by the artists who have been invited to doing an Artist-Feature. Every week, we have a different author.

Sharon Lockhart

Apr 24, 2017 - Joanne Leah

I happened upon Sharon Lockhart’s work at The Broad museum in Los Angeles. As I gazed at the four framed prints hanging on the walls, I realized I was looking at more than photographs. Lockhart had captured Duane Hanson’s hyper-realistic sculptures at four different angles. Three of the figures remain unchanged, while the other two are real people, museum workers installing the artwork. After seeing these images, I was struck by the perception and appropriation of mysterious truth.


Lunch Break installation, “Duane Hanson: Sculptures of Life,” 14 December 2002

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– 23 February 2003, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, 2003

Night Language

Apr 22, 2017 - Joanne Leah

My friend here in Brooklyn, Jamie Pietras, recently unveiled his latest project, Night Language.
“Night Language is a collection of the stories we tell ourselves when we’re asleep. Some are fragments. Others are fully formed narratives. We’re excited to present this peek into our readers’ unconscious minds, alongside features on how dreams have shaped past and present art, music, and thinking.”

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Anyone can submit dreams and the stories are paired with beautiful illustrations. This is my favorite:
“The Shrinking Baby”

This is a recurring dream.
In my dream, I’m often charged with taking care of someone else’s baby or child. It’s never my own child, always someone else’s that I’ve agreed to take responsibility for. Usually, this includes finding a way to feed the child. When the child is given to me, it is normal size, whether it’s a six-year-old or an infant. As the dream continues, I glance at the child every so often and notice that it is getting smaller. At first, it doesn’t worry me, but there comes a critical point when I realize what is happening. The child looks the same throughout, it just miniaturizes. It’s always quiet and doesn’t seem to notice that it’s changing. As the child gets much smaller, I realize there is some kind of clock running out and that if I don’t figure out how to stop the shrinking, the child will become so small that it will be impossible to feed or impossible to keep it from dying—it could drown in my coffee or become lost in my clothing so that I accidentally crush it. These are actual terrors I have in the dream.
I never save the child. But I always wake up before it completely disappears or I kill it. Usually, the last part of my dream is seeing the tiny baby or tiny child, often cradled in my hands and feeling filled with fear, sadness, and a feeling of failure.
There is also usually a landscape that I have to contend with. One of the first times I had the dream, the landscape was an enormous grocery store where I was trying to find formula to feed the infant. It was as if Hayao Miyazaki has designed a Whole Foods, with enormous staircases that I kept running up and down as time ran out. In that one, I finally found the formula and ran out of the store into a beautiful sunny day in what looked like California, but by the time I did, the baby was too small to eat. One of the other times, I was navigating the streets of Brooklyn by bus and on foot, trying to get to the grocery store with the child.  The streets were exaggeratedly narrow, like streets in Rome, and I kept winding back to the same intersection even though I kept going forward.
Kate, 37, Brooklyn | Image from NYPL Digital Collections


Apr 21, 2017 - Joanne Leah

We are artists, curators, muses, writers and other creatives who use social media platforms, Instagram and/or Facebook, to connect with others, share work and promote our creative endeavors. Our belief is that artistic practice examines the world around us, confronting society without commercial motivation. We constantly reevaluate our cultural framework, providing a fundamental perspective on existing value

systems. Sharing work in a traditional gallery setting has become increasingly difficult, and simultaneously we are being pushed out of our cities due to rising costs of living. Many of us turn to virtual platforms for open and unbiased feedback.
Many of us are finding our images and accounts censored without explanation while following the Community Guidelines currently in place. We believe there is a pattern of unjustifiable censorship that includes inconsistencies, double standards and lack of reason. Art only has a future if people are wholeheartedly engaging with it. Allowing unnecessary censorship contributes to the mediocrity of experience, instead of encouraging the originality of ideas and the unique exploration of self identity.
This is a small collection of my own work that has been censored by social media.