
Agata Baranska


Toby Binder

Artist Feature

Every week an artist is featured whose single image was published by Der Greif. The Feature shows the image in the original context of the series.

Mikel Aramendia - Nearby Places

Oct 06, 2010

I like going out with my camera because it takes me to places or situations I would not experience without a reason. Somehow, photography is an excuse that has become a purpose. I dont mind going to a forest, a mountain, a desert or a waste ground. I like exploring the invisible boundaries of human landscape and its relationship with wild nature.

I must thank photography (and photographers) to teach me a deep understanding of my surrounding, learning to look at it and discovering its multiple shades. It has given me a wider perspective to attend and comprehend cities explosion in detriment of natural preservation.

This is a selection of photographs taken in my province, Navarre, during this year 2010 and are part of my ongoing series »Nearby Places«.