Guilherme Bergamini
Guilherme Bergamini is 40 years old and was born in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Graduated in journalism, has been working with photography for 22. Through this art, Bergamini intends to express his experiences, worldview and anxieties. Passionate about photography since childhood, Guilherme is an enthusiast and curious by new contemporary possibilitiesthat this technique allows. Persistent and critic, the art is thas photography as a way to political and social criticism. Awarded in national and international competitions and festivals, he took part in group and solo exhibitions in Brazil, Portugal, Spain, Greece, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Lithuania, Turkey, Venezuela, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, Colombia, Uruguay, United States and India. Had his work published in several Brazilian and foreign press vehicles. He publishes part of his photographic journey on his website (