
Iacopo Pasqui


Iacopo Pasqui studied Communication Sciences at the University of Teramo. In 2008 he began to dedicate himself professionally to photography through the social documentary and landscape. He has carried out numerous projects in the Far and Middle East, North Africa and the United States. In 2011/2012 is the winner of the "Leica Talent 24x36". In 2012 it entered in the book "History of Photography in Italy. From 1839 to today. "G. D'Autilia (Einaudi, Torino 2012). He has published for Libria: "The rooms of Tonia," with Lucio Rosato (Libria, Melfi 2012) and "The city Adriatic", edited by Lucio Rosato, AAVV, photographs of Jacopo Pasqui (Libria, Melfi 2012). In 2013 he was commissioned to document the Conclave by the Institute of Italian "G.Treccani" Encyclopedia for the book "The conclave of Pope Francis" by Alberto Melloni (Treccani, Rome 2013) inserted in the prestigious volume series "The editions Art. He has given lectures on photography and on key authors for Semiotics courses and Photography and Visual Culture at the University of Teramo. Held seminars and workshops on photography and photographic projects. He works on projects both in local, national and European level. He has participated in solo and group exhibitions throughout the country. He works with companies and architectural firms for the photographic documentation and the implementation of communication campaigns. His work has been published in "L'Espresso", the international magazine "Vice", magazines and academic publications.

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