
Jacqueline Zilberberg


Jacqueline Zilberberg is an art photographer who expands the language of portraits. She holds a Bachelor Degree in Social Communication from Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (Caracas, Venezuela), with emphasis in Visual Arts. Currently she lives in New York. Workshops Being Personal: Personal narrative / Personal Vision / Intimacy with Philip Toledano (Spazio Labo New York) Extreme Storytelling: From the Idea to the Book in 48 Hours with Cristina de Middel (ICP New York) The Documentary Project with Natan Dvir (ICP New York) Methods of Artistic Creation and Design of Projects with Ana Da Cunha (Node Center, Spain) Contemporary Art Photography with Juan Curto (Node Center, Spain) From The Raw File to The Print with Salvatore Elefante (Caracas, Venezuela) Contemporary Photography with Luca Pagliari, (Caracas, Venezuela). Creative Photography with Ananke Assef (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Image Thinking with Lena Szankay (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Tell A Story with Images with Alberto Goldestein. (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Documentary Photography with Pablo Garber (Buenos Aires, Argentina).

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