Jonathan Ceron
He thinks of his production as if he were writing a book of memories, as if it were a space to dialogue and think about the experience, the environment, the intuition and its materialities. He is interested in the concepts of agency and intervention and the problems that come close to sculpture, textuality, landscape, trace and silence. He is passionate about understanding the poetry that is in the daily life that runs through his body. He has a degree in Social Communication from the UAM. In 2017, he was part of the Diploma in Visual Arts Production of the CaSa and of the Contemporary Photography Program (PFC) in 2016. In 2019 he obtained an Honorable Mention at the Bienal Nacional Arte Emergente Monterrey. His work has been presented in exhibitions such as Creation in Motion (2019), ACME Hall no. 6 (2018), Photographic Panorama (2018), among others. He has been a beneficiary of the Open Salon Program (2015), Young Creators, FONCA (2018) and the PECDA. He is currently part of the SOMA Educational Program.