Margarita V Beltran
I am Margarita. she/her. I identify as Latina BIPOC. I am a Colombian photographer, artist, and activist based in Germany since 2018. For a couple of years now, I have worked with topics of gender as in my project <Fembra Placere and the paradigms of beauty in the construction of the "Colombian woman notion"> that has been exposed in multiple solo shows in museums in Colombia, or Queer POC art and activism in Medellin, with my project Bailata Queer, that was commissioned by the Colombian International Salon of Artists. I have also work and continue making work about the Colombian civil conflict, specifically exploring the topic of political violence and exile through my family history and the stories of different Colombian families living in exile in Germany. With this work, I was selected to be part of the New York Times Portfolio Review. Since 2020, I am a co-founder of the support group BIPOC YMR, and a member of the antiracist network of the same city: Weimar. In my creative practice in Germany, I have turned my attention to working with topics of racism and discrimination for which I have worked collaboratively with collectives and individuals advancing antidiscrimination and antiracism through art, activism and education. In my practice as a photographer, I am interested to challenge the notion of power in photography and work with decolonial praxis (es) of making images.