
Michele Brancati


Michele Brancati was born on April 2, 1977 in Reggio Calabria.  After finishing academic studies in Cinema and Photography at DAMS (Discipline of Arts, Music and Spectacle) in Bologna, he continued his study in photojournalism at the Italian Photography Institute in Milan.  In 2008 he lived at the border of Slovak-Ukraine to do documentary photography about living conditions in immigrant centers.  In 2009 he went to Estonia and Latvia to do documentary photography about the socio-political situation behind the European elections.  His reportage not only has been published by different professional photo journals, but by many different national daily newspapers too, as well as being shown on Night Line (Linea Notte) of the Rai broadcasting channel. He won the bronze prize three times at the International Photography Awards, 2010, in Orvieto.  His latest work is “Esistere di Fatto” which has been published on and on the poster of Gender Bender at the International Cinema Festival of Bologna. In 2010 won The Critics Award at the International Rovereto Immagini with “ Esistere di Fatto” In 2014 won The MiCamera Prixe at the Sifest 2014 In 2015 Honorable Mention Moscow Photo Award 2015 In 2015 Finalist Hellerau Photo Award Dresden 2015 At present he lives and works in Colonia as a freelance reporter.

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