
Tabitha Soren


I left a career in television to start another as a photo-based artist. My work visualizes psychological states; the internal weather that storms through each of us. My pictures are metaphors for the difficult twists and turns of everyday living, the twists of fate in life that can unhinge us. Whether it’s disquieting images of people in fight or flight mode in the RUNNING series or in the tribute to panic attacks in her oceanscape series PANIC BEACH, I am most interested in what human beings can survive – and what they can’t. For me, images function like invitations to the viewers’ emotional memory. SURFACE TENSION continues delving into the human psyche by foregrounding the anxiety we navigate in the struggle to adapt to technological domination. These modern, action 8x10 inch tintypes from FANTASY LIFE function as a metaphor for the dominant mental state in American culture: striving. Muybridge shared my formal interest in bodies in motion with his pioneering motion studies of baseball players. Public collections include the Los Angeles County Museum ofArt, Oakland Museum of Art, Cleveland Museum of Art, Eastman Museum of Photography, Transformer Station, Pier 24 Photography, New Orleans Museum of Art and among others. I studied at Stanford University and the California College of Arts, but learned most of what I know through trial by fire. My first monograph, FANTASY LIFE, was published by Aperture Books in April 2017. I live and work in the San Francisco Bay area.

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