
Thalles Piaget


Thalles Piaget (*1996) is a human being - not an artificial intelligence - born in Brazil and living in Biel/Bienne (CH). Essentially vagabond, thalles is inspired by readings, walks and reflections. Capturing a moment that doesn’t truly exists, trying to transform the ordinary into a dreamlike experience. Its artistic approach is at the border of dreams, science and absurdity. Wandering, guided by the moment, playing with its non-existence. - « My artwork talks about relationships: with screens, objects, people or with one self. Yet I don’t Know who this « I » is but the more I live, the more this feeling is imprinted in me: that « I » would not be without « you », without « us ». You can always find a strong « us » in everyone of my projects. » - - I am looking for deconstruction.

guest room Artist Website