Guest Room is a monthly online exhibition with open submissions curated in real-time by personalities from the international photography scene.
Ingo Taubhorn
Curator - January 2015
Ingo Taubhorn is the curator at the House of Photography/Deichtorhallen Hamburg. From 1980 to 1985, he studied visual communication in Dortmund with a focus on film and photography and started his photographic career as a photo artist. He has exhibited internationally with works such as »Mensch Mann«, »VaterMutterIch«, and »Die Kleider meiner Mutter«. Since 1988, he has worked as a freelance curator for art institutions such as the Museum Folkwang in Essen, the Pat Hearn Gallery in New York and the Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst (NGBK) in Berlin. Since 2006, he has been chief curator at the House of Photography in Hamburg. He is president of the Deutsche Fotografische Akademie (DFA) and teaches at the HAW in Hamburg. Current publications: Ute Mahler und Werner Mahler – Werkschau, Kehrer Verlag Heidelberg 2014
Selection by Ingo Taubhorn
»Several thousand photographic submissions that I had to select from. A broad field. A curatorial idea was necessary: photography articulates itself within series. Single photographic images, pulled out of their serial context, are combined in coherent triads (tryptichs) through classification in genres. The interspaces of the images offer a first interpretation. The digital space enables the viewer to get to the photographer’s website through his or her profile, in order to put the single image back into a series and to assemble the context. Thus, the publication in »Guest-Room« becomes an invitation card to many complex solo exhibitions. A convincing concept that shows: a curated digital space can in fact be an answer to the never ending image-flood in the web. I thank all involved photographers for their trust to take part with their images in this successful experiment.«
“…about the nature of photography…”
“You are More than Beautiful.”
“My interest is not simply documentation.”
“I wanted to create portraits that were beautiful…”
“Why does love hurt so much.”
»I’m not even sure what it actually looks like.«